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Category Archives: Jewish stuff and Israel
Why Does Evil Win and Why I Tolerate Antisemites
Muslims in Nigeria have been slaughtering Christians for years, burning their churches and abducting their women and girls. To the best of my knowledge, Christians have not responded in kind. Muslims in Europe have been slaughtering Christians for years, burning … Continue reading
My Thoughts on Israel Invading Syria
It seems that Israeli forces have “invaded” Syria. From my WhatsApp newsfeed: Hysterical breaking news: Reports from Syria say that IDF forces are entering Syria and conquered city after city and have advanced up to 20 kilometers from Damascus. The … Continue reading
Israeli Hypocrisy Regarding Palestine
This is more of a thought experiment than an actual opinion; it needs further contemplation and study. As I’ve pointed out many times before, modern Israeli “Hebrew” is actually very far removed from any sort of traditional Hebrew; essentially, it’s … Continue reading
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This is Why They Hate “The Jews” #8
Here we see Jewish Family Services going about its profitable destruction of the Western world: From the San Diego Jewish Family Services website, I followed a link titled “Welcoming the Stranger.” It’s a reference to the Biblical commandment by that … Continue reading
White-Nationalists, Stop Bashing Israel!
I’ve touched on this before, but it’s important to elaborate that White Nationalists who condemn Israel for “genocide” are taking the wrong approach; they’re letting their blind hatred toward Jews deceive them. We often see the “Lion of Judah” invoked … Continue reading
Let’s Talk About God
I had an epiphany, and I won’t say it was “unaided,” but this doesn’t make it any less valid. So, hear me out – and by no means am I implying that any of this is original. It’s simply my … Continue reading
Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel
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Why do Jews Hate Whites?
Looking back at my past posts, it appears that I’ve never adequately dealt with the question of why Jews so often seem to hate Whites – even to the point of orchestrating/encouraging the destruction of all White civilizations. Somebody on … Continue reading
We’re Starting a Jewish Pro-White Group
Dear readers, I know that some of y’all are Jewish. A few of us, on X, have decided to start a pro-White Jewish group. Tentatively, it looks like this might take the form of a website where various Jews can … Continue reading
All Lives are NOT Equal
Watch these two imbeciles going at each other: Piers Morgan is an imbecile and an establishment lackey. Here we see him becoming upset that a black man is calling him a “racist.” Well guess what Piers. The establishment narrative that … Continue reading