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Category Archives: miscegenation
The Other IQ Bell Curve
It’s time for one of my totally unscientific musings. I’ll leave it for someone more capable than myself to develop it into a hypothesis, should it be deemed worthy of this. One of the ubiquitous patterns we find in nature … Continue reading
Posted in miscegenation, nurture vs. nature and I.Q.
Tagged declining IQ, IQ bell curve, The Bell Curve
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Low-Class Dominicans and Dads
I hung out with a friend on Christmas. It was nice to see him, but part of my motivation was to get away from the Quebecois who loudly celebrate… just about everything. Yes, there are a lot of Quebecois in … Continue reading
Only White Women Can be Fetishized
When a photo emerged showing a group of refugees studying French, some white-advocates “misinterpreted” the scene: It showed up on Quora, and my response was: I did some research on this, and some French people are saying that this is … Continue reading
Google and Media Collusion to Hide Images of White Murder Victims
It seems there’s a new corporate media guideline: When the murderer is black, and his victim white, do not show photos of both of them. In cases where the murderer is still at large, only the murderer’s photo will be … Continue reading
Conservatives Lash Out Against Cancel Culture
Watch this Fox video, where British journalist Douglas Murray takes a stand against Cancel Culture. I sympathize with his outrage over Cancel Culture, and I agree with most of what he says – however, what ISN’T said is more important … Continue reading
Another Blood Offering to the Diversity God
This People article speaks for itself: As a longtime animal lover, 18-year-old Danielle Hopton spent her free time working at a local animal shelter and helping her dad raise guide dog puppies for the blind. But on Feb. 6, the … Continue reading
Does obesity serve the Progressive agenda?
Here are two graphs for your inspection. The first one is from USNews: The second is from the Pew Research Council: While “intermarriage” does not exclusively refer to black/white couples, there’s no reason to doubt that such couples adhere to … Continue reading
I found this gem on Quora
I’ve been participating in the online forum Quora recently, trying to guide people to the truth (my opinions :). When I saw the following, I knew I had to share it – as a cautionary tale: In 2013, my baby … Continue reading
Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence, miscegenation
Muhammad Ali
Just like the rest of us, the late Muhammad Ali had good traits and bad traits. I think white people have a lot to learn from him. Here’s an interview with him I’ve posted in the past. I never grow … Continue reading
Posted in Africa and blacks, miscegenation, pan-nationalism and multi-culturalism
Tagged Muhammad Ali