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Category Archives: parody/satire
Africans Discovered Using Primitive Tools
Biologists have discovered Africans using primitive tools to retrieve coins from a fountain in Italy. Our early ancestors may have used similar techniques millions of years ago scientists say:
Dylan Mulvaney is Mohammad
A variation of the previous meme that somebody on Quora suggested:
California Tries Something New
It appears that black students in California have been underperforming academically. This is something new and unexpected. Situations like this call for creative, innovative and ground-breaking solutions – like throwing money at it, and demanding more accountability from schools. It’s … Continue reading
Had me Going for a Minute
I’m working on something else, but came across this and wanted to share it:
Posted in parody/satire
Tagged Communist school teacher, equitable lunches, Kali Fontanilla
The Micro-Aggressions Victims Unit (MVU)
Let’s take a break from our dreary lives, and enjoy this gem from the Babylon Bee:
European Union Orders Stained-Glass Windows Destroyed; They Lack Diversity
In a long-overdue decision, the European Union president Charles Michel has announced that member states must destroy most stained-glass windows, depicting people, within cathedrals and churches. The reason for this edict should be obvious: They lack diversity. The ruling doesn’t … Continue reading
With No Access to White Women, Moroccans are Forced to Have Sex with Donkeys
The European Union and the United States should increase the number of migrants immediately. Due to a dearth of White women in Africa, we have learned that some African youth have, out of desperation, taken to having sex with donkeys. … Continue reading
The Unbearable Whiteness of Milwaukie, Oregon
I had the opportunity to visit the Milwaukie, Oregon area recently. It’s near Portland, and it’s a hotbed of Wokeness; When Trump was in office, I remember seeing senior citizens there parading with “Dump Trump” signs. Now that they got … Continue reading
Pulling Black Women Out of Storage
American companies and corporations have little use for black women, at least when it comes to ads… but what do they do with all those unneeded black women? ExtraSpace Storage! ExtraSpace Storage has many black women in storage, but if … Continue reading
Male to Female Surgery to Include Brain Reduction
Currently, 17 US states will legally change a person’s gender, on his birth certificate – but only with documentation that gender-reassignment surgery has been performed. For example: Does the state allow a gender marker change on birth certificates? New Mexico: … Continue reading