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Category Archives: politics and attitudes of the pro-white movements
American Renaissance is Moving UP in the World
Congratulations to American Renaissance (Jared Taylor?). Its account has finally been reinstated to X. It took a lot of nudging, a petition and complaining, but Elon Musk has fulfilled his promise. Personally, I believe he had always intended to do … Continue reading
White-Nationalists, Stop Bashing Israel!
I’ve touched on this before, but it’s important to elaborate that White Nationalists who condemn Israel for “genocide” are taking the wrong approach; they’re letting their blind hatred toward Jews deceive them. We often see the “Lion of Judah” invoked … Continue reading
We’re Starting a Jewish Pro-White Group
Dear readers, I know that some of y’all are Jewish. A few of us, on X, have decided to start a pro-White Jewish group. Tentatively, it looks like this might take the form of a website where various Jews can … Continue reading
All Lives are NOT Equal
Watch these two imbeciles going at each other: Piers Morgan is an imbecile and an establishment lackey. Here we see him becoming upset that a black man is calling him a “racist.” Well guess what Piers. The establishment narrative that … Continue reading
My Critique of It’s Okay to be White on Quora
I just posted this on the IOTBW moderator space in Quora: Is this what IOTBW is now about? White Quorans: Who’s treated you worse? Whites or minorities? Jews, I will be blunt here, dont know it will get accepted or … Continue reading
Any Port in a Storm; Taking Evil Allies
Life is complicated, and sometimes we find ourselves involved in various conflicts at the same time. We must make difficult choices. Sometimes, we choose to ally ourselves with people we would normally want dead. Here’s a Quora answer that makes … Continue reading
A Quora Answer That Might be Rejected
How much is black-on-white crime responsible for white-on-black racism? The term “racism” needs a definition. For this answer, I’ll assume it means any negative sentiments toward American blacks as a group. I’ve been active in the White-advocacy movement for many … Continue reading
Save the Pandas—Kill the White People!
Steven Tucker just wrote an excellent piece on The Great Replacement “Theory.” I strongly recommend reading it in its entirety. In a nutshell, Tucker provides some background information about the recent shooting of three random Kurds in Paris by William … Continue reading
What Are We Doing to White People
Westernkind Art posted this video to Twitter: I was impressed with the video, especially considering how young Mr. Cheon is. I predict great things for this young man, and told him so in comments… Speaking of comments, many of the … Continue reading
Removed From Quora for “Hate-Speech”
As some of y’all know, I moderate the Quora group It’s Okay to be White. Trying to keep inferior posts to a minimum, and maintain some level of quality, is an uphill struggle. The group now has well over 30,000 … Continue reading