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Category Archives: the South
“Ambient Perception” and “Racism”
We can sometimes show a leftist how he’s wrong about something, but it’s almost impossible to turn him into a right-winger. This is because our opinions are not typically shaped by isolated incidents or experiences; they’re shaped by the totality … Continue reading
Addressing a Pro-Reparation Argument
Too many pro-whites fail to understand the actual arguments of our ideological opponents on the left. This is especially true regarding the topic of reparations; I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen pro-whites argue that “none of us … Continue reading
“Alabamans Confused About CRT”
The Commies at Imgur are tickled because some Alabamans got confused between Black History Month and CRT: As you can see, they consider it “Orwellian” and “white-supremacy” that some people get confused about which weapon du jour the Hostile Elite … Continue reading
I Got my Rebel Face Masks Today
The 2021 American Renaissance conference is less than two months away, and that means I’ll be spending time at airports pretty soon. Airports are the perfect place to wear Rebel insignia, and show our support for America, freedom and all … Continue reading
Posted in activism, freedom of speech issues, the South
Tagged Confederate mask, DLGrandeurs, Rebel face mask
When Might Reparations Make Sense?
For those of y’all who don’t already know, I’m married to a Quora space called “It’s Okay to be White.” When I say “married,” I don’t mean like a regular marriage, where each spouse gets some alone time now and … Continue reading
What the Confederate Battle Flag Means to Us
I’m reposting Paul White’s excellent article on the Confederate Battle Flag from Quora, with his permission: What do white people think when they see the rebel flag, aka, the ‘Confederate Flag’? What is now known as the ‘Confederate Flag’ never … Continue reading
The Government is the Political Arm of the Corporate Media
Who controls the past controls the future. In an age where the vast majority of the population gets its information from a Corporate Media that is owned by only a handful of players, the phrase “money talks” takes on new … Continue reading
This is part two, and the final, part of my review of Authentic History Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877 by Susan Lawrence Davis. I’ll focus on various facts (according to Mrs. Davis) and the Klan’s relationship to various ethnic groups. Here’s … Continue reading
Posted in Africa and blacks, book/movie/video reviews and links, crime and violence, government/corporate discrimination against whites, Jewish stuff and Israel, language, politics, racial differences and how they manifest themselves/race science, the South
Tagged fake KKK, justification for KKK, KKK and Jews, old south Klan, origin of KKK, original Ku Klux Klan, the original KKK
1 Comment
Diversity Chronicle sent me a link to the PDF version of Authentic History Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877. It was written by Susan Lawrence Davis, who came from an old Ku Klux Klan family, and recalled playing chess with Nathan Bedford … Continue reading
Posted in Africa and blacks, book/movie/video reviews and links, crime and violence, government/corporate discrimination against whites, politics, politics and attitudes of the pro-white movements, the South
Tagged Authentic History Ku Klux Klan, black crime in the South, Klan history, Ku Klux Klan history, original Klan, Reconstruction
“Be Less White” the Song
Here’s a nice song from Buddy Brown: If you look at the comments, you’ll see one from Karlyn Borysenko. She says she’s the one who first published the story. This might be the case, as she’s got a popular “Walk … Continue reading
Posted in book/movie/video reviews and links, the South
Tagged Be less white song, Truck sessions
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