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Category Archives: Uncategorized
No More Men in Women’s Sports
I’m happy that Trump put an end to the “trans” nonsense in women’s sports. However, here he is signing the executive order: What a beautiful and wholesome photo! Not a Diversity in sight!! Would it have bothered me if there … Continue reading
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Costco Accuses MAGA of Hypocricy
In an article by Lucy Strathmore, we read that the “all-White” Costco board of directors accuses MAGA of hypocrisy: The NCPPR contends it’s “clear that DEI holds litigation, reputational and financial risks to the Company, and therefore financial risks to … Continue reading
Reposting From Frank DeScushin’s Tweet
Frank DeScushin I support Juneteenth. I understand black Americans celebrating their ancestors’ freedom from slavery. That makes sense, and I don’t begrudge them their day. I, however, do begrudge that history being used to explain today’s outcome differences it has … Continue reading
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New-Age Meets Ghetto
I’ve already posted about my experiences with forced-busing in the ghetto, but there’s one story I haven’t shared yet – until now! Prepare yourselves for major cringe… I was in a class of about 35 “students,” almost all of when … Continue reading
My Experiences Driving for Lyft
When it became obvious that Uber could not complete my background check (see previous post), I decided to resort to Lyft. In my early days of rideshare, I’d driven both platforms. This was almost seven years ago, and both Uber … Continue reading
Unintended Consequences of Michigan’s “Clean Slate” Law
Now that I’m officially retired from rideshare, I feel free to write about it. Incidentally, rideshare is one reason it’s been so long since I’ve posted. Keep reading if you want more details. I drove Uber for about 7 years, … Continue reading
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Was Biden Right About White-Supremacist Terror?
Here’s an answer I posted to Quora. Since it might get removed, I’m duplicating it here. President Biden called ‘white supremacy’ ‘most dangerous terrorist threat’ at college speech: ‘Pure evil?’ Is he right? People are quoting the FBI and Biden … Continue reading
“Fact-Checking” Claims of Anti-White Bigotry
Some of ya’ll might remember that a while back, America First Legal aired a television ad complaining of anti-White bigotry by the Biden administration. It turns out that there is no such thing as anti-White bigotry, because a “fact-checker” says … Continue reading
Was Loomer Denied Gun Rights Due to Politics?
Laura Loomer has repeatedly claimed that her natural right to own a gun has been violated by the Federal Government due to her politics. She writes: What I haven’t shared with you is that last year, I found out my … Continue reading
Some Nice Memes
I wish I could take credit for these. Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy them as much as I do: