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Tag Archives: black on white violence
Another Black-on-White Unprovoked Shooting
From The New York Post: Police are searching for a man they say opened fire on his neighbors — a six-year-old girl and her father — after the child chased a basketball that had rolled into the man’s yard. Neighbor … Continue reading
Another Day, Another White Woman Killed by a Black Criminal
This one follows the usual pattern: A white (or Asian) woman senselessly murdered by a black career criminal – and the Corporate Media ignoring the racial aspect of the crime, in stark contrast to its policy when the races are … Continue reading
Black Violence is the Norm; It’s Hardly Even News Anymore
A black man punches a white woman on a New York subway: … and journalists pontificate about gender and general human decency. Abby Liebing, of Western Journal, writes: Men do not protect women because women are weak. Men protect women … Continue reading
American Psychological Association Addresses Violence Against Whites
The FBI has recently released its crime statistics for the year 2020, and a hearty congratulations is in order for American blacks; their share of homicides has risen to 56.52%! Steve Sailer writes: In the FBI’s expanded homicide data, the … Continue reading
Another “Random” Beating
Another “unprovoked,” “random” attack leaves white teen severely injured. Neither the MSN news headline: Teen brutally beaten in ‘unprovoked’ attack while students record and laugh, … nor the Fox News story: Teen severely beaten in ‘unprovoked’ attack, other kids record … Continue reading
78 year old veteran murdered by “teen”
All we’re told, by, is that: A teenager has been arrested in the shooting death of an elderly man in Wilson. Wilson Police say Donald Aycock, 78, was shot and killed on Randolph Street Sunday evening. On Monday, investigators … Continue reading
The Independent sets new low in anti-white race-baiting
When The Independent reported on a black man who shoved a 92 year-old white woman to the ground, it described it as: “Sex offender shoves 92-year-old woman to ground in New York.” But when it reported on an arson that … Continue reading