Tag Archives: black violence against Jews

Black Man Attacks Synagogues in New York

Surveillance photos have captured a black man damaging synagogues in the New York area, but a USA Today article starts with the statement: Hate crimes: How they affect BIPOC and why they are on the rise. Hate crimes are on … Continue reading

Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence, examples of propaganda, Jewish stuff and Israel | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

“Hate we are most familiar with”

Black-on-Jewish violence in the New York area has been endemic for decades, if not centuries. I lived in the Northeast back in the 1970s, and used to frequent the Jewish areas of Brooklyn. I was involved with Habad (AKA Lubavitch) … Continue reading

Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence, Jewish stuff and Israel, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment