A recent Oregonian article tells us:
After years of looking into spending by the president of the Urban League of Portland, county officials said the nonprofit has until next week to present an acceptable plan of dealing with fiscal concerns if county funding is to continue.
Multnomah County auditors have questioned league president Marcus C. Mundy’s use of the organization’s credit card since 2009 and have repeatedly asked for receipts on about $44,000 worth of expenditures, officials said.
The Willamette Week reported Wednesday that Mundy provided receipts for some of the purchases — which included grocery purchases, a March 2009 trip to Beijing and Mundy’s childrens’ cell phone bills — but auditors are concerned the bills have “no clear relationship to the nonprofit’s mission.”
The county has given the league — which operates on an annual budget of roughly $1 million — about $729,000 over the past three years.
“We pay the Urban League as a provider because the agency is a venerable institution that has a history of helping people of color, seniors, students, low-income people and other vulnerable populations,” said David Austin, county spokesman, in a statement. “That important work the agency does must continue. But fiscal monitoring and tight controls must be a part of that for county funding to continue.”
What I want to know is who gave Multnomah County officials the authority to prop up a racist organization with taxpayer loot. If the Urban League had “a history of helping white people…“, instead of “people of color”, not only would it fail to receive even one penny of county funding but there would be an uproar over its very existence. The white people of Multnomah County are being forced to support an organization that openly discriminates against them.
It wasn’t long ago that the Multnomah County board of commissioners came under fire for wasting a far smaller amount of money. Isn’t racism supposed to be worse than wasting money?
In the end, Mundy resigned, but it is not likely he will return any of his $90,000/yr. salary to taxpayers. It would be nice if Mundy was held accountable for his theft, but this is unlikely to happen. I will give credit where credit is due; at least he was taking care of his kids.
An official explains to Mundy, in terms he can understand, why he
was forced to resign; he was told it had to do with his
“personal assets”.
Just another racial shake-down.
Emmma West is the Rosa Parks of the 21st century.