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Monthly Archives: December 2024
What are They Afraid of?
I/o is as politically neutral and middle-of-the-road as they come on X; sometimes painfully so. He’s an outspoken critic of MAGA and of White-nationalism. However, he leans toward race-realism, and here’s what he (she?) recently tweeted: The decoding of the … Continue reading
TNB in Dominican Republic
Black-nationalism, among black gringos, is strong here. The undercurrent of black-nationalism takes a few forms. It’s common to see American blacks wearing Islamic head gear, and it’s a safe bet that they belong to the Nation of Islam. Afrocentric t-shirts … Continue reading
Costco Accuses MAGA of Hypocricy
In an article by Lucy Strathmore, we read that the “all-White” Costco board of directors accuses MAGA of hypocrisy: The NCPPR contends it’s “clear that DEI holds litigation, reputational and financial risks to the Company, and therefore financial risks to … Continue reading
Maybe it’s Time for Rightists to Adapt to the Real World
It’s illegal to incite violence. This is a major reason there are no mainstream conservative voices calling for violence; people don’t want to get arrested. I also don’t want to get arrested, so please interpret this post as merely an … Continue reading
Censorship is Strong in Germany
In my last post, I pointed out that Google now shows the actual American Renaissance website as its top result for “American Renaissance.” Alas, this is not entirely correct. I set my VPN to Germany, and these are the German … Continue reading
American Renaissance is Moving UP in the World
Congratulations to American Renaissance (Jared Taylor?). Its account has finally been reinstated to X. It took a lot of nudging, a petition and complaining, but Elon Musk has fulfilled his promise. Personally, I believe he had always intended to do … Continue reading
Democracy Must be Discarded
A while back, I tweeted: The only way the Western world can survive is if it gives up on democracy. We need KINGS right now. We need people who have the power and authority to rid the Western world of … Continue reading
IQ Tests are a Bitch
I asked Grok a question about IQ tests. You can’t make this stuff up! Me: Has anybody designed IQ tests where black Africans consistently score higher? If tests are culturally biased, this should be an easy thing to do. Grok: … Continue reading
Grok is Now Free
… and the first suggestion it offered was to “draw me.” The drawing is based on my avatar. Here I am, according to Grok: Allahu akbar!! Oh, and for those who don’t already know, my avatar photo was taken in … Continue reading
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