American Renaissance is Moving UP in the World

Congratulations to American Renaissance (Jared Taylor?). Its account has finally been reinstated to X. It took a lot of nudging, a petition and complaining, but Elon Musk has fulfilled his promise.

Personally, I believe he had always intended to do so; he was simply waiting for the right time. Now that we’re close to Trump’s inauguration, and it’s apparent that positive change is in the air, Musk has done what he promised. Powerful people are now talking about antiwhitism. Some Republicans are finally saying things that they wouldn’t dare say even a year ago. Now is the time to build even more momentum, and to give a voice to those who have been silenced for too long.

Note: Jason Kessler pointed out that the account wasn’t actually restored; it’s a replacement account, and we’ll see how it fares. Jason writes:

I’m guessing it will be left alone. Similar accounts are not being banned under Elon, although he isn’t going back and reinstating like he said he was.

What a wonderful Christmas gift for the long-suffering Jared Taylor! Please follow the link above and give them a follow.

Change is in the air. Even Google has softened its stance. For years, if you conducted a Google search for “American Renaissance,” the top result would be the SPLC slanderous and ignorant article about it. I just did the search today, and here is the result:

The SPLC article is now the second result. Not good, but definitely an improvement.

Do I believe that Google’s intentions are noble? Absolutely not! More likely, they have come to the realization that X is now a main source of news and information for millions of people – and that overt manipulation of search-results no longer serves their purpose. They might now realize that it simply gives the forces of truth more ammunition.

We can now look forward to less obvious propaganda. They’ll still manipulate results, censure sources they don’t like and promote their own narrative – but they’ll do so in ways that the common man wouldn’t notice. We must remain vigilant, and we must continue to call them out.

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