A while back, I tweeted:
The only way the Western world can survive is if it gives up on democracy. We need KINGS right now. We need people who have the power and authority to rid the Western world of savages.
Before that, I tweeted:
Democracy is not sacred. The NATION is sacred. Democracy is fine as long as it’s NATIVE Brits doing the voting. With mass immigration, democracy becomes a weapon.
It turns out I was right; the great Sam Dickson said as much at this year’s Amren conference. The speech is an hour long. In a nutshell, he said that defending state-rights, individual freedom, or the Constitution is a losing proposition; what we need is a strong centralized authority. We cannot allow rogue states like Massachusetts or California to sabotage our civilization. In other words, we need kings – who possess the absolute authority to do what is needed for the nation.
He didn’t speak about the courts, but Elon Musk has:

A similar problem exists in Brazil, where a rogue leftist judge single-handedly stifled freedom of speech. The Brazilian court supported the judge.
As for the United States, we’ve seen numerous instances of gross injustices from activist judges.
From what I can tell, justice is a coin-toss when you’re at the mercy of courts in the Western world – and that’s assuming the laws are just to begin with.
“But Jewamongyou, you have described yourself as a libertarian. This post is about as far from libertarianism as one can get!”
I’m still a libertarian, but only within the context of an established, civilized, society. When powerful forces (both internal and external) conspire to destroy said society, our first priority should be to defend our society. In this case, our civilization. Once that is accomplished, we can then afford the luxury of prioritizing individual liberty, bearing in mind the lessons of history. For example, we might argue that individual liberty should not include the freedom to be a Muslim, because Islam has shown itself to be dangerous to our civilization. The same can be said about gender ideology and Deformed Judaism or Communism.
If we allow subversive ideologies to take root in our civilization, then they will destroy individual liberty. It makes no sense to invoke “individual liberty” as a rationale to tolerate ideologies that will, inevitably, destroy individual liberty.
“But Jewamongyou, if you allow monarchies or fascism to take hold, what guarantee do we have that they’ll eventually yield to individual liberty? Perhaps they’ll cling to power indefinitely, rendering us all slaves?”
Perhaps, but we currently have two choices: Surrender to forces that are robbing us of individual liberty right now, and that will also rob us of the most valuable and beautiful aspects of Western civilization (including the erasure of White people) or use force to rid ourselves of these hostile forces – in the hope that someday we can enjoy our liberty again.
When a patient is suffering from advanced cancer, would we advise him to refuse aggressive treatment because the treatment might kill him? The alternative is certain death from cancer.
Once the future of Western society is safeguarded, and White people have their own secure homelands once again, we can afford the luxury of Democracy, or whatever other form of government the citizenry chooses to adopt. Until then, strong central government is needed to destroy the cancer.
Someone has swallowed the neoreactionary red pill.
Then again, how much libertarianism does one really get out of duh-mo-crazy?
Not much. I don’t think any form of government, on a large scale, has a good track record.