Costco Accuses MAGA of Hypocricy

In an article by Lucy Strathmore, we read that the “all-White” Costco board of directors accuses MAGA of hypocrisy:

The NCPPR contends it’s “clear that DEI holds litigation, reputational and financial risks to the Company, and therefore financial risks to shareholders.”

Costco calls out this threat, saying essentially that the NCPPR is not a concerned party merely warning presciently of an outside threat — but rather that NCPPR and groups like them are the threat.

Costco writes: “The proponent professes concern about legal and financial risks to the company and its shareholders associated with the diversity initiatives,” yet it is they who are “inflicting burdens on companies with their challenges to longstanding diversity programs.”

While it’s true that companies may face lawsuits for the implementation of antiwhite policies (DEI), it’s also true that they may face lawsuits for FAILURE to implement such policies.

To draw attention to one, while ignoring the other, is a form of hypocrisy. Most Americans would probably agree that when confronted with contradictory laws, one demanding racial discrimination, and another forbidding it, it’s best to follow the law that forbids it.

Personally, I believe that racial discrimination should be allowed, and even encouraged, in today’s America. White people should be given preference for many government jobs.

For decades, black people have benefited from grade-inflation, systemic cheating in their favor in academia, preferential treatment in college admissions and unearned recruitment and promotions. The result is, obviously, a black workforce that is (overall) inferior to the White workforce. A diploma in the hands of a black person simply does not carry as much weight as a similar diploma in the hands of a White person.

Corporations and government agencies would be perfectly justified in assuming that black candidates are inferior to their White counterparts – and this is without taking into consideration biological differences; it’s simply because of the way government and corporations have pandered to blacks in recent years. Lower expectations lead to inferior results.

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