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Monthly Archives: August 2012
Using airplane seating as a propaganda tool
Quantas Airlines has come under fire for having a man change seats because he was seated next to an unrelated pre-teen girl. Opp0sing Views reports: Daniel McCluskie, a nurse, was forced to switch seats when he was seated next to … Continue reading
Why do people throw rocks in rivers?
I’ve been spending a lot of my free time outdoors recently; I frequent the rivers, lakes and hiking trails. One thing I’ve noticed is how often people throw rocks into rivers and lakes. Even the youngest children instinctively do this. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
"Vending-machine people"
Yes, I can be a snob sometimes. For example, I’ve always looked down upon proles who live off of vending machines/ convenience stores. There was a time, long ago, when I worked at a convenience store. Over the course of … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Mississippi church says "no" to black wedding
When I first read the story, about church members in Mississippi intimidating their pastor into refusing to marry a black couple in their church, I thought to myself that either we’re not being told the entire story or it’s a … Continue reading