I recently returned from a short visit to Kentucky/Tennessee. One of the fun things I did there, with friends, was visit some old cemeteries. Here are some of the more interesting tombstones we found. I’ll leave it for y’all to decipher what they say; some of them are hard to make out. I just love those home-carved tombstones. If there’s interest, I’ll post more.
- 4racism.org
- Alternative Hypothesis
- American Renaissance
- Amerika.org
- Black Pigeon Speaks
- CanSpeccy
- Countenance
- Counter Currents
- Dan from Squirrel Hill
- Diversity Chronicle
- Europa Unitas
- fleuchtling (refugees)
- Government and Corporate Anti-White Discrimination
- Hail to You
- HBD Chick
- Human stupidity
- It's Okay to be White
- John Derbyshire
- La Griffe du Lion
- Lion of the Blogosphere
- Luke Ford
- Madspace
- Muunyayo
- Nimshal
- Nodhimmitude
- Occidental Dissent
- Reluctant Apostate
- Sincerity
- Soviet Men
- Steve Sailer's blog
- Taki's Magazine
- The Atheist Jew
- The Last Ditch
- The Mad Jewess
- The National Conservative
- The Politically Incorrect Australian
- The slitty eye
- The Unz Review (Steve Sailer)
- Those who can see
- Thuletide
- Utter Contempt
- VDare
Buy Your Coffee From These Patriots
Jack’s War
Through The Gates of Hell
A brief synopsis and desired intent for the books use.
A few of the people that I have contacted about this book have asked me to give a more complete description of my book as well as the intent that I have for this book. What follows is a brief description of the characters and an explanation of the intent that I have for the book.
The main character, Jack Corr, is a normal everyday man that like so many white people of this age are completely unaware of the racial nature of things. Likewise he is unaware of the nature of the effect that the anti-white propaganda has had on him.
At one point Jack meets a very special girl named Libby Springfield. The two fall in love and are planning to get married. Shortly before the wedding Jack & Libby are carjacked; Libby is brutally killed and Jack just barely survives.
After a lengthy series of trials some of the criminals are jailed but some are freed. Jack of course feels that this is not right and decides to take matters into his own hands. One thing that continually haunts Jack’s thoughts is the question – Why did I hesitate? It was his hesitation that permitted the blacks to get the drop on himself & Libby. As things proceed he hears some pro-white individuals speak at a rally in his hometown. As he listens he discovers the real reason for his hesitation – a lifetime of leftist propaganda. This of course changes his entire outlook on life.
As the story proceeds he takes his vengeance on the criminals that so brutally murdered Libby. At the same time he begins a journey into the world of pro-white knowledge, visiting many web sites, buying books and eventually attends a pro-white conference.
There are a few special features to this book. Jack & Libby are not just simply two ordinary white people. These two characters are allegorical as well. Jack represents our race as it is now. But Libby is special beyond measure, as she represents our race as it could be and should be in the future. Libby is the best of the evolutionary process and therefore out shines everyone else around her. Since Jack represents our race as it is now and Libby represents our future, Jack’s hesitation points up what will happen to our race if we continue to hesitate. That is, we will not have a future.
There are other little features in this book. Some of the names of characters are themselves full of meaning. A search of these names will add depth to the story. I hope to draw the reader’s attention to our cause by logical and emotional appeals. Most people are of course moved more by emotion than anything else.
The book is short, 188 pp. It is written in a simple straightforward manner so that those individuals that do not like long complicated books will be willing to read it. Profanity & sexual references have been eliminated or kept to a minimum so that the book can be shared with the younger set. The genre is of the action / adventure type in order to add to its appeal. I also wanted to avoid the scientific or academic style. I am also avoiding the overt indications of its racial nature in order to avoid the knee jerk rejection that usually follows pro-white books.
I hope that the book will be used as a teaching & recruiting tool and recommend that the book be distributed to the general public for that purpose.
See, http://www.jackswar.com
Thank you for your support,
C. C. Conrad
Purchasing options & locations
The best place to order the book is at createspace e-books, at this link:
Jack’s War
Through the Gates of Hell
Authored by C. C. Conrad
What is there to do once life and love are torn asunder? Fight back. Jack and Libby are the perfect couple. But when the forces of evil tear them apart, killing the love of Jack’s life, Jack begins a journey of discovery and learns where and why things all went wrong.
Publication Date: May 24 2012
ISBN/EAN- 13:1475032927 / 9781475032925
Page Count: 188
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5″ x 8″
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Fiction / Action & Adventure
I spent some time in New Haven, Connecticut many years ago when my wife was studying there at the university, and that gave me some chance to look at the local cemetery. I found there many Puritan tombstones, easily recognisable by the death head motifs, some elaborate, many, though worn by the ages, vivid and dramatic, such as an female angel with two child angels, one on each side, showing that mother and her childred were dead together. Those were days when the infant mortality rate, even in America, was usually 50 percent for children to the age of five. In seeing such things, at home and abroad, one might come to appreciate the bounty of Modernity and the blessings of capitalism, that system of production and distribution that allows us all to live so much better that today we can demand abortions just because, that we can shit on police cars with impunity because we don’t get enough money from our neighbours to support our marijuana smoking lifestyles without having to contribute to the common weal, and so on. We can see in the Puritan tombstones a rejection of self-pity, though it was often replaced with self-righteousness and bigotry; but in the angels we see a slow development of an awareness of the importance of art for others, a slow rejection of communalist conformity and an awakening of individualism that sets one tombstone apart from others, an awareness that our nation was become a place of free men who could express themselves as individuals and reap their own rewards on earth and in heaven. It’s very clear how this happened as well, the dates showing it in stone over the years. People became aware of beauty in themselves and aware of love of others, if only family, a relatively new experience in life.
Graveyards tell us much about the human condition. How do we treat the dead? It reflects on how we treat the living. Cemeteries tell us much about what we think of ourselves. Cemeteries tell us much about the value we place on life. Giant monuments to ourselves today, contrasted with creamation so popular, no memorial at all but dirt and water. In these monstrousities we lose much of ourselves, and we cheat those to come of something they might someday have loved.
Thanks for posting your photos of the tombstones of Kentucky. I look forward to other things from you.