Cleaning up graffiti

One of my neighbors has taken it upon himself to plaster public utility poles, and postal boxes, with BLM signs. I’ve taken it upon myself to remove such unsightly graffiti. In fact, I’ve been removing those, as opportunity arises, for some time. How many have you removed? Fill out the poll below:

[polldaddy poll=10589348]

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One Response to Cleaning up graffiti

  1. David says:

    I can’t participate in the poll since “zero times” is not an option.

    I wanted to tear down an idiotic BLM sign plastered in an inappropriate place, but then realized that if someone filmed me doing so, the footage would be on CNN etc. on a continuous loop for a month, and I would be prosecuted by a George Soros-installed DA.

    I would rip down and paint over all of this stuff if I could. It’s all based on contrafactual, reality-inverted, easily disproven nonsense.

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