Clipped Ears and Small Ears

One of my favorite street dogs was a pit bull. The dog would walk up to me, as I was sitting at a nearby cafe, and put her head on my lap. She would roll her eyes up to me in such a way that I had no choice but to pet her. Behind those massive jaws and muscular build was a bundle of love and affection. I haven’t seen her since last year, and I suspect the worst. People are intimidated by pit bulls, and for good reason. Still, my heart aches when I think of what might have happened to her; I hope she found a good home.

Pit bulls are, of course, used for fighting. Owners will clip their ears so that the opponent dog will have less to latch onto. There are other reasons for clipping the ears, but reduced vulnerability, during scuffles or fights, is high on the list.

It’s fairly common knowledge that black Africans, of the more pure variety, have tiny ears and large jaws. Where I live, there are many examples of these. Some of the Haitians I come across are excellent examples of this. I’ve seen Haitians who look like they might have jumped out of the pages of an anthropology book on archaic hominids. For those who notice, it can be shocking, even jolting – but the modern mind is trained to gloss over this.

These traits are undeniable; anybody can see them – and the usual explanation is that they’re merely vestigial traits from earlier times, that they mean nothing in practical terms.

I disagree. Higher testosterone levels, and clearly observed higher levels of aggressiveness, point to advantages to larger jaws and smaller ears. Not only that, but we can include thicker skulls and even short, kinky, hair to the list.

It’s true that kinky hair serves to dissipate heat, and that Australian Aborigines do not have this trait, and they had to deal with cold – implying that the primary benefit of this hair is indeed to protect against heat. I think that a secondary benefit might have been for fighting. It’s possible that the hair didn’t grow long in earlier times, and hence, there was less to latch onto.

I believe that African blacks have used their large jaws for fighting – much like Mike Tyson – and, of course, the ears present a good target:

To the unbiased, unindoctrinated, observer, the African black (Negroes) are designed for vicious street fighting, and their thicker skulls are designed to withstand the “Ghetto Stomp.”

This is not to say that they will win every fight against members of other races, but they do seem to be built for it.

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One Response to Clipped Ears and Small Ears

  1. steven kastein says:

    I’m a boxing fan of over fifty years. It’s long been obvious to me that blacks, with their fast-twitch muscles, thicker craniums, and less of a tendency to bleed would excel in pugilism.

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