Why Does Evil Win and Why I Tolerate Antisemites

Muslims in Nigeria have been slaughtering Christians for years, burning their churches and abducting their women and girls. To the best of my knowledge, Christians have not responded in kind.

Muslims in Europe have been slaughtering Christians for years, burning their churches and abducting their women and girls. To the best of my knowledge, Christians have not responded in kind.

Blacks in the Western world have been slaughtering Whites and Asians for years, robbing them, raping them and harassing them. To the best of my knowledge, Whites and Asians have not responded in kind.

I can think of two main reasons there has been no retribution:

  1. Christians, Whites and Asians tend to be non-violent pacifists
  2. There are a lot of good, honorable, people who are Muslim or black. Christians, Whites and Asians frown upon attacking good, honorable, people. They tend to respond to kindness with kindness.

Unfortunately, large minorities (in some places, even majorities) of Muslims and blacks do not believe in reciprocating kindness with kindness. Instead, they perceive such kindness as weakness – or worse, as tribute that they deserve anyway (reparations or jizya, as the case may be).

There is no equivalent population of Christians, Whites or Asians that views Muslims and blacks the same way; such people exist only in insignificant numbers. We read about their outbursts in Corporate Media.

There is a world war right now. It’s between Christians, Whites and Asians on one side (IE. civilization) and Muslims and blacks on the other (IE. savagery).

The forces of civilization are paralyzed because they don’t want to hurt honorable Muslims and blacks. This looks very much like a two-pronged attack on Civilization, with the honorable Muslims and blacks serving (unwittingly) as a defensive bulwark, while their bloodthirsty brothers and sisters continue the carnage.

Millions of good-intentioned Muslims and blacks are serving as human shields so that savages can carry on their dirty work. Sometimes, the “good intentions” are not sincere; Taqiyah might be the true motivation.

The forces of savagery have an inherent advantage. It’s easy for them to identify Christians, Whites and Asians as targets, and they don’t nitpick. They don’t even care if some of their own get killed in the process; human life means little to them. In contrast, the forces of civilization won’t attack a member of the hostile demographic until he’s tried and convicted. Even then, the punishment is often laughable.

Christians, Whites and Asians have a tough choice to make: Descend to the level of their immoral enemies or surrender their liberty and civilization to said enemies.

Yes, I realize that many Christians are black, some Asians and Whites are Muslim, and many Christians, Whites and Asians fight for evil. The categories and labels will change according to circumstances. The same (civilized) Christian victims in Nigeria might be “savages” in a different time and place. Each scenario must be judged in context.

What about Jews in the Western world? Unfortunately, many of us fight for the wrong side. Almost all of our institutions, along with many of our rabbis and influential individuals, actively promote savagery over civilization.

In Israel, it’s clearly the Palestinians who are the savages, while Israelis represent civilization. If you doubt this, look at how each side treats women, animals and sexual minorities. Some Diaspora Jews will support the side of savagery in the West, but the forces of civilization in Israel. How can we blame antisemites for pointing out this hypocrisy?

A lot of antisemites view Jews as a force of evil. How can we blame them when we act the part? How can we condemn them when we refuse to condemn the evil within our own ranks? How can we judge them for choosing to treat us as the enemy when they’ve concluded that the alternative is the destruction of their civilization and liberty?

All my adult life, I’ve strived to be the “honorable Jew.” The uncomfortable question is:

In doing so, am I serving as a human shield for the forces of evil?

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8 Responses to Why Does Evil Win and Why I Tolerate Antisemites

  1. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Once again, if Hitler were non-white, American Jews would be fighting for first place in line for the camps. The Israelis have to send the following message: “Yes, we know we’re outnumbered 1000 to one, but we are not going to the ovens and the gas chambers without taking a good chunk of you with us. FAFO.”

    By the way, it’s “bulwark”, not “bullwork”.

  2. TMJ AsheDina says:

    Its a hard topic but you are truthful.
    You’ve always strive to fight for whats right.
    Keeping balance in these times is quite challenging. VERY.
    Keep your balance. Thats the answer.
    Love you

    Happy New Year.

  3. White woman says:

    Good article. Very thought provoking.

    Happy New Year!

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