Tag Archives: is race real?

The Butterfly Effect and race

Here’s an interesting video that explains the Butterfly Effect: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp8wGQW-Y48&w=560&h=315] In essence, even the tiniest differences will cause large outcome disparities in complex systems. The weather is a prime example; each minute initial condition impacts others, feeds back upon … Continue reading

Posted in Race science, racial differences and how they manifest themselves/race science, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Is mental illness a “social construct?”

If I wrote about every example of leftist stupidity I encountered, I’d have to spend all my time publishing new posts to this blog. I do have better things to do, but once in a while, I see one that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Aspergers and health, examples of propaganda, Race science | Tagged , , | 12 Comments