Thanks to eugenicist for bringing my attention to a new race-realist blog by a fellow Jew(ess), The Tribe Of Ice People. It looks pretty good and it just got started.
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In her “No solutions” post, she dismissed the idea of Jewish involvement in pushing for the invasion of Iraq in order to further Israel’s national interests. I disputed this, pointing out that back in 1996 Richard Perle led the writing of a policy document for an Israeli political think-tank that advocated toppling Saddam Hussein’s regime because it was in Israel’s national interest. Of course, Perle was later appointed by Bush to the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee which advises the Department of Defense, and he is considered one of the major players in pushing for the invasion of Iraq.
It looks like she blocked the comments from being published. Refreshing her blog, she has written a new post which looks like an indirect response to my comment, denouncing me as as a “crazy” & “paranoid” individual. I can’t see how what I said was so outlandish, but then I am biased. I guess she doesn’t want to have open discussion, which is fine as it is her own blog to run as she pleases. I guess I am a bit disappointed though, as I thought her blog might of had some potential.
My take on it is that she doesn’t want her blog to be a forum for that kind of discussion; she wants it to be a forum for other kinds of discussion. We each have our own level of tolerance for what we consider “crazy” ideas. I’m far more tolerant than most – too tolerant by most accounts.
She is correct in stating that there are plenty of other places where anti-Jewish theories can be discussed. We’ve discussed them here. I see no reason why they must be discussed on every race-realist blog that exists.
We each have our own niche in the blogosphere. Robert Lindsay likes writing about bigfoot and “game theory”, Half Sigma likes writing about government and against libertarianism, Human stupidity likes writing about sexual hypocrisy. HBD chick likes writing about science and mating patters. We each have our own specialties and topics we like to avoid. Tribeofice Maiden is merely defining her own niche. So, if you want to comment, or contribute, to her blog, respect her boundaries. If you want to discuss topics outside her comfort zone, there are plenty of other places to do so; this doesn’t render her blog valueless.
She’s pro-white. You’re pro-white. Let’s focus on that and make the best of our common ground instead of concentrating on items of contention. Wasn’t that the topic of her previous post? Also, she’s a pro-white Jew. It would be more productive to encourage her for that rather than berating her for failing to see things the same way you do when it comes to less enlightened Jews.
I’m not particularly eager to belabor the issue of Jewish involvement in assorted political movements. But since she brought it up I assumed it was open to discussion. She said something that I thought was incorrect, so I felt obliged to correct her. I wasn’t expecting immediate agreement, but maybe a polite debate. Instead she blocked my comment and wrote a post denouncing me as a loon. I am all for increased Jewish involvement in white advocacy movement, but I would hope that this doesn’t result in the implementation of the same taboos that exist in the mainstream political sphere.
We each have our own niche in the blogosphere. Robert Lindsay likes writing about bigfoot and “game theory”, Half Sigma likes writing about government and against libertarianism, Human stupidity likes writing about sexual hypocrisy. HBD chick likes writing about science and mating patters.
And that dude who calls himself “countenance” loves to say snarky stuff that offends people.
BTW, I don’t think most Israelis were too worried about Iraq. Put a gun to my face and force me to expound on what I think the real reason is we marched into Iraq, and I think it has far more to do with oil and daddy issues (43 finishing the job he thinks 41 should have done), rather than any words that start with I, J or Z.
countenance Says:
BTW, I don’t think most Israelis were too worried about Iraq. Put a gun to my face and force me to expound on what I think the real reason is we marched into Iraq, and I think it has far more to do with oil and daddy issues (43 finishing the job he thinks 41 should have done), rather than any words that start with I, J or Z.
I wouldn’t say there was any mono-causal reason for the overthrow of Saddam. There were different factions with differing motives for wanting a war with Iraq. The reasons Ahmed Chalabi wanted the invasion are different from Richard Perle’s, which are different from Erik Prince’s, etc. I just don’t discount that Jewish neo-conservative academics, intellectuals and government officials who were concerned about Israel’s national interests were one of those factions that played a significant role.
I generally agree that it is rude for Jewish-critical/anti-semetic HBDers to visit Jewish-authored HBD blogs to make sweeping, Stormfront-style pronouncements. As you say, it’s dumb for gentile paleos to alienate/attack allies. Also, it’s simply rude.
On the other hand, the T.o.I. lady did seem to me to have made a clear error of fact. Yes, seems like there were many reasons for the Iraq Attaq: oil, daddy issues, racial revenge for 9/11, Haliburton profits, etc.
But it also seems a clear question of historical record that Kristol, Perle, Wolfowitz, Abrams, Feith, etc were at least partially motivated towards war by an awareness of their perception of Israel’s best interest, and that the gentiles in Bush’s cabinet (including Bush himself) were strongly inspired by Natan Sharansky’s book, “The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror” (which argued that the Middle East will be peaceful, and Israel safe, when Arab nations are transformed, Germany-and-Japan-after-WW2-style, into open, modern democratic, market-driven societies – which, I think, was the Bush admin’s goal in invading …).
If the above mentioned people thought they were advocating marching into Iraq for Israel’s best interest, Israel sure didn’t think so. It was just the opinion of people who claim to “stand for Israel” from their comfortable perches on the other side of the world or from their D.C. basement man caves. The only problem is, they conned a sitting President and still have the ears of that same President’s party.
You mentioned the Sharansky book. I started it, didn’t finish, I didn’t agree with much in it. However, I swear up and down that Sharansky lifted most of his ideas and took great inspiration from a similar book by Gregory Fossedal, called The Democratic Imperative.
Proof that the Sharansky/Fossedal thesis is wrong, not only for Israel, but for us? Two words: Shari’ah Spring.
Re: B.B.,
“I would hope that this doesn’t result in the implementation of the same taboos that exist in the mainstream political sphere.”
Agreed. But I doubt that their being taboo in her blog will result in a wider taboo across the web.
Do we KNOW that the blogger’s a Jewess, or could this be another “Damascus lesbian”?
How would you confirm something like that? For that matter, how can you be sure I’m Jewish? Maybe I’ve just been fooling everybody all these years. 🙂
You’ve met and worked with the people at Amren, right?
So there is someone who could call BS on you, if you weren’t what you say.
No such control when someone’s completely anonymous except their blog,