I’ve touched on this before, but it’s important to elaborate that White Nationalists who condemn Israel for “genocide” are taking the wrong approach; they’re letting their blind hatred toward Jews deceive them.
We often see the “Lion of Judah” invoked by those who cheer for the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). The lion is meant to invoke fear, but I think there’s more to it than that.
The lion, at least to me, symbolizes raw animalistic fury. When the lion is hungry, its urge to sink its fangs into its prey is overwhelming. Its hunger drives it to use all of its awe-inspiring strength to fill its stomach.
What happens to another animal that threatens the lion’s cubs? God have mercy upon that animal, because the lion won’t.
When savages violate our women, and murder our children and elderly, the correct response is intense rage and the exacting of vengeance. Nothing is more valuable to a civilization than its women and children. Men are supposed to protect them, and if they can’t, then they’re supposed to inflict swift and bloody justice upon the perpetrators.
Even if we reduce the actions of Israel, post October 7th, to pure vengeance, they’re justified. If anything, Israel has been TOO CAREFUL in trying to avoid “civilian casualties.” Most of those civilians cheered for Hamas, celebrated its atrocities, and tormented the Israeli hostages. It’s true that most of them were too young to have voted for Hamas during the last election, but if another one were held today, it probably wouldn’t be any different; years of indoctrination have surely had an effect.
Furthermore, no matter how hard Israel tries to avoid civilian casualties, most of the world will STILL accuse it of genocide, so why bother trying? It’s as pathetic as White people trying to prove how anti-racist they are. They can never win.
The fact that Hamas places no value on the lives of Palestinian women and children, intentionally placing them in harm’s way, is not Israel’s fault. Allowing savages to use women and children as human shields in order to prevent civilized people from taking vengeance is not a winning proposition. How is that working out in Europe?
Native European women are raped daily, European children are abused daily, European monuments and historic buildings are defaced daily – because Europeans are afraid to do what’s necessary. An innocent migrant might get injured! Feelings might be hurt!
Every day brings more videos of “migrants” beating European children, harassing European women and defacing churches. European “men” stand around and do nothing. Their ancestors bury their heads in shame. “These are not MY descendants! Cowards such as these would never come from MY seed! These are not my sons, and they are not even men, but pathetic, contemptable, creatures!”
I have a hypothetical question for you Europeans:
When the government tells you it’s illegal to incite violence, but then puts you in a situation where violence is the only solution, what then?
When dealing with savages, savagery is the only approach. One takes reasonable precautions to prevent the death of non-combatants – but nothing more than that.
The rage that Israelis feel right now toward Gazans should also be felt by Europeans against their invaders (and traitors). Western Europeans lack a government that cares about the welfare of Native Europeans. That they don’t have one should fill them with rage – enough rage to reclaim their ancestral lands and rid them of all mosques, invaders and traitors. To push them into Africa. What happens to them there is not our concern.
This is not a time for White-Nationalists to condemn Israel, but to LEARN from it. Europe needs a Tenth Crusade. It needs an animalistic fury, to show no mercy and to defend what is good and wholesome. Europe needs its own lion.
It’s not often discussed by the media, but the elephant in the room are the striking number of Jews in high positions in the Biden/Obama regime. And it’s not going unnoticed. The greatest enemy of the Jews, are the Jews. Very sad. And makes anti-Semitism quite understandable.
Yes. It’s one of those things that “racists” bring up all the time, and leftists/Republicans ignore. It definitely needs to be talked about.
The White N’s supporting palestinian (Islamic Jihadists) have been digging their own grave in the west for years now. We just keep getting more garbage people from the 3rd world in God’s karma program.
You cant support the mongrels in one place (Palestine) and condemn them in Europe/America.
Thats not know reap/sow works.
Welp….Dont be upset with me:
As for the Jews in power..
There are 27 in the JoeBama admin. 7 are Jews and (APPOINTED.)
In the house and senate, there are 545 total members, 35 are Jews. (Voted in)
In the JoeBama admin, there are over 500 total people. 38 are Jews. (APPOINTED)
The propaganda works both ways, left and the other side. The White N’s post memes that show Jews and ONLY Jews. Which is why it seems bigger than what it is.
I personally will concur to the fact that the JoeBama cabinet has put some HORRIBLE “Jews” in powerful positions but they were APPOINTED.
The whole house/senate and the government is EVIL from top to bottom not just the Jews.
Very good points and thanks, as always, for your insightful comment.
We Jews are like the proverbial girl with the curl; when we’re good we’re very, very good
But when we’re bad…, oh Brother.
First I don’t get the impression WNs including myself “hate” Jews. We may have concluded because of many Jews behaviors life together is intolerable certainly I think many far righters are enraged at this behavior as we are at other leftists, and sure to the point things might get violent. But I think we understand most Jews that go along with elite Jew crimes are also brainwashed by elite Jew psyop first they typical help heal the world crap but more importantly Jews get raised from childhood to think the world hates them and has been doing all evil to them for millennia. Thus they excuse things that are good for the Jew even when not good for others. Also your religion is well even more hostile to non Jews than Islam is to non Muslims. Yes the people who invented micro aggressions and invisible backpacks of white privilege are pretty obtuse on whites oppression.
But the ISRAELI PALESYINIAN thing I disagree not that any animal has a natural right to take and hold what they can sure you abandoned Israel thousands of years ago to live off us but I don’t buy slave morality you want to trick your way back and kill em all fine.
But as a white struggling for survival mainly because of Jew ingratitude and evil it’s not my fight my fight is with Jews and their imported golems yes the Muslims are a big one.
But my concern is strategy and tactic. The Jew created golem we call the left has turned on the Jew this is good news it’s finally ok to discuss Jew power and actions. Let’s be frank if not for Jews blacks browns would be easily handled by whites first there would be very few second we would be free to act rationally to their bad behavior. So removing Jews from white lands is far more important than removing Muslims.
I probably ought to hate Jews but being New Yorker many friends are funny smart etc and while rare Jews like Ron unz Jeffrey Sachs’s you even the faggot green has been honorable as a leftist
Yeah the 500k Slavic men murdered by Jews in Ukraine yet again and the push towards nuclear Armageddon deserves hate but I more hate my people for allowing themselves to be corrupted and manipulated by Jews
I didn’t write that WNs hate Jews; I wrote that those who condemn Israel for genocide are letting their blind hatred for Jews cloud their thinking. I do believe this is the case – and I’m not saying that Jews are blameless. Read more of this blog, and you’ll see that I do call out my co-ethnics for their crimes against White people and White nations.
Jews didn’t willingly “abandon Israel years ago.” We were conquered by Greeks (and Hellenized Syrians) and then by Romans. Before that, it was Babylonians and Assyrians. Wave after wave of conquests forced many Jews to abandon the Land of Israel – and the Greeks and Romans were White. In the “war” between Jews and Whites, it was Whites who struck the first blow… if we’re going to get technical about it.
But in no way does this excuse the horrors inflicted upon White people by too many of my own people; I won’t make excuses for them.
In our own era, Israeli Jews, for all their flaws, represent civilized humanity, and Palestinians represent savages.
One can certainly argue that traditional Judaism is more harsh toward non-Jews than Islam is toward non-Muslims – but we Jews were a) far more prolific in our writings b) have a much longer history than does Islam and c) were actually a persecuted minority for most of our history, unlike Muslims who were the conquerors and the oppressors. It’s not a fair comparison, not by a long shot…
… and I’ll ask you this: Would most non-Jewish/non-Muslim people prefer to live in a Jewish neighborhood or a Muslim one? I think the answer is obvious. For all our flaws, Jews bring property values up, and we bring street-crime down. We don’t go around trying to force our religion on others, we don’t decapitate people, we don’t “honor-kill” our daughters, we don’t have rape-gangs and we don’t threaten the lives of those who insult Judaism.
We do subvert government to turn against their own peoples – and this is at the national level. It needs to be dealt with.
Been a fan of blog from back in early days but the whole NRX HBD ALTRIGHT kinda imploded so haven’t read in a while was binge reading and article before was titled why they hate us and my bad I sorta conflated the two. I left NYC for good years ago but my last bid was crown heights lol stories I could tell. The hasids and orthodox there are conservative and I admire their commitment to their culture liberal Jews really hate them. I think it’s embarrassment but you’re know better my lib Jew friends always astonished I defend them. That said they are actually horrible people I was in real estate the tactics rivaled the sopranos but I don’t hate. Yes I know you’re one of the public Jews that call out bad behaviors. That was sorta why I bothered to say I and I don’t think we hate Jews I should hate blacks too but I don’t it’s like hating a pit bull or a wolf it’s nature is what it is.
I think you and I discussing the war thing is pointless as I said may the killing est ape win. But I do think you’re not seeing things the way neutral parties do. Who would I rather live with? Neither really I’m done. It’s really stressful and detrimental living with others. Decades ago I moved to the Rocky Mountains all rural northern Europeans it blew me away how simply being among one’s own was healing. Sure Jews are less murderous but let’s be honest the stuff Jews are worse at cause far more harm to America the importation and radicalization of non whites is a Jewish operation goys that go along are usually bribed blackmailed or brainwashed by Jews. The entire faggot feminism far more harmful than 9/11 ( and we both know Jews actually were involved in that too) and what Jews have done to the western monetary system and economies treasuries well pretty much looted every dime we ever made your lawyers and NGOs corrupt govt to go in debt to pay for your wars and our own invasion while your bankers get commissions on the debts that pile up so no whites not only lived among Arabs Indians Africans we ruled them and civilized them as much as possible. Jews destroyed all that and incited them.
I hope you win your war so you have a homeland to be sent to I hope as the last corners of the west fill with the golems whites will finally realize they can’t simply move and must fight and send everyone home.
That’s going to be hard and I do think about the nonwhites that were good citizens and how it will be impossible make exceptions. Hopefully the world will again be come a safe place we can all visit each other and again appreciate each others differences and our common humanity.
I usually like your material & stance but this post sucks imo so here’s my bit on it. For the record, I do believe that Israel belongs to the Jews as it was conquered by the Romans and re-named into Palestine. However, this was quite a long time ago and if you go by this your fellow Jews couldn’t exactly complain if European countries expelled their Jews no matter how long their ancestors have lived there. I am of course all for that. Europe for Europeans, Israel for Jews. If you are honest tho you know that Jews enjoy European countries too much and don’t want to go to Israel, especially the rich & powerful who profit off from the “goyim”. Murica might be a different complex story but for Europe at least it’s obvious that it belongs to Europeans only.
Some of the rape stories have been debunked, e.g. from ZAKA: https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-2-debunked-accounts-from-zaka-workers-fueled-global-skepticism-of-oct-7-rape/
Also: https://misbar.com/en/editorial/2024/02/11/a-french-activist-apologizes-for-falsely-claiming-to-find-67-sperm-samples-on-a-hostage-released-by-hamas & https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/debunking-israeli-claims–what-led-to-nyt-s-false-hamas-rape
There was other nonsense like baked and beheaded babies, children in cages and what not.
Why make up shit when your enemy is such an evil beast and you should be swimming in material to show to the world?
You can also watch alleged hostage testimonies on yt like from Mia Schem – who sent the terrorists to the market so she could cook for them… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y02xPRX6vCE&ab_channel=%D7%97%D7%93%D7%A9%D7%95%D7%AA13
She has already become a meme: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GC8zvGLXQAAo-q5.jpg
I wouldn’t be shocked if the entire Oct 7 thing was staged by the Mossad or at least most of it. Have you taken a look at the videos from the festival? These people aren’t even running, they are jogging with their belongings in their hands instead of dropping them. At best I could see it being a semi-hoax so you have some real victims… somewhere… maybe.
I hardly even looked into the conflict since Oct 7 but the nonsense is all over the place so I am wondering how you could miss it? Or did you just choose to ignore it?
“Most of those civilians cheered for Hamas, celebrated its atrocities, and tormented the Israeli hostages.”
Are you judging this by the one video of Shani Louk which the media constantly spammed around to brainwash people with? Maybe you have seen others but this is pretty much the only one we in the West have been shown hundreds of times.
You see tho, I can make similar claims based on a few videos I saw: Most Israelis cheered it on when their fellow Israelis destroyed food for starving Palestinians and when they blocked ambulances from passing through. There are videos of Israelis blocking ambulances way before Oct 7 and even the IDF has been filmed doing this.
Do I know that most Israelis did cheer for that when they learned about it? Of course not. Neither do you know if most Palestinians cheered.
Also think about whom this Shani Louk video and other clips benefited. It was awesome propaganda material for Israel. I have also watched quite a few of these ~30 second Hamas clips. Here and there you could see some blood(?) but as far as I remember I didn’t even see a single person being shot, only a few bodies already lying on the floor. Ever wondered where these alleged terrorists uploaded these videos to? Why they uploaded them? Again, they only made propaganda for Israel. How strange. They can’t possibly be that retarded to think this would be well received even from non-Palestinian Muslims. If you think you have real bad clips that are totally real feel free to provide them to me via e-mail and I’ll have a look.
“Allowing savages to use women and children as human shields in order to prevent civilized people from taking vengeance is not a winning proposition.”
Funny because I have heard about Israelis taking Palestinians including children as human shields a long time ago. Here are some articles I found on it for example.
“Native European women are raped daily, European children are abused daily, European monuments and historic buildings are defaced daily – because Europeans are afraid to do what’s necessary. An innocent migrant might get injured! Feelings might be hurt!”
Yeah because of Jewish NGOs bringing the savages in!
Just kidding, we have more enemies than that. The media, entertainment industry, big corps, politicians, police, military, the church, ngos, controlled opposition shills, Freemasons, all sorts of other anti-Whites and all the useful idiots and everyone and everything else I forgot. They are all working against us. It’s not like we can decide on one day that we had enough of their tyranny. If you have a recipe to quickly deal with all these people and organisations please let me know.
That all being said I don’t see how disinformation is helping. I don’t see a point in the rape fantasies, human shield claim while ignoring Israel doing it to Palestinians and worst of all the “no innocent civilians in Gaza” line is the biggest garbage that can only be called as promoting genocide. Not saying you said it but it has been making the rounds a lot and the “most Palestinians cheered” comment goes a bit in that direction. How can most of them cheer when it is just some of them in the streets? If the described video is legit that is. Were they all watching it on the TV like a big football event?
Come on, you can do better.
Sorry it took me a while to approve your comment; I hadn’t checked my admin page for a few days. I’ll read it more thoroughly and provide a response within the next couple of days.
Thanks. No worries, take your time. I’ll be checking from time to time. Looking forward to your take on it.
I read your links. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Neither of us are actually in Gaza to see, with our own eyes, what is transpiring. All we have to go on is biased reports, either from the Israeli side, or from the Palestinian side. I’ll admit that I’m biased, being Jewish and having lived in Israel for a few years. This being said, all indications are that the Israeli side has more credibility. Are there any instances of Hamas punishing its own for abuses against Jews/Israelis? Is dissent allowed among the Palestinians in these matters, without repercussions? To the best of my knowledge, the answer to both questions is NO. Israel allows more or less free speech. Israelis take to the streets to protest for Palestinians. Do Palestinians do so for Jews?
The only “official” entity that speaks for Gazan Palestinians is Hamas – and it has shown, over and over again, that it will lie at every opportunity. It is beholden to the death cult called “Islam.” How can we trust anything it says?
It’s a massive war effort, and I’ll freely admit that Israeli troops might, indeed, have used Arab children as human shields, as described. It might also be true that Israelis have tortured, raped or indiscriminately destroyed Arab property. They are not perfect. Evil, vindictive, people can be found among them – but none of this is done as a matter of policy. It’s individuals, or small groups, violating protocol. If the Israeli government finds good evidence that these crimes took place, there’s a strong likelihood that the guilty parties will be held accountable.
I’m aware that there were likely exaggerations regarding the rapes and child-killings of Oct. 7th. However, how can you give Muslims the benefit of the doubt considering their abysmal track record when it comes to rape? Have you forgotten the grooming gangs, the ongoing brutalization of Christian/Hindu women and girls in Pakistan? Muslims are known for their abuse/rape of kufar women and girls. In this case, the burden of proof is on the Palestinians, given their track record.
Unfortunately, we can’t get a good, objective, picture of what’s going on in Gaza. Perhaps we never will. All we have to go on is educated guesses, and each of us has made ours. Thank you for your readership and comments.