The Miserable Leftist Says…

I found this on X:

Let’s unpack this, shall we?

I ruined my life because I was misled by the Corporate Media, losing my life-savings and sliding into alcoholism.

Now I know that the Corporate Media is unreliable as a source of information…

… and it was the Corporate Media that fed me misinformation my whole life, causing me to be a Democrat.

Confronted with the fact that the Corporate Media lied to her throughout the presidential campaign, this woman should be asking herself, “What ELSE have they lied to me about?”

She should be reconsidering her worldviews, seeking alternative perspectives and news sources. Since she now knows that conservatives are sometimes right, perhaps she should actually listen to what they have to say?

She’s been lied to about politics, the environment, race, gender-identity and the role of government. This would be a good opportunity for her to reexamine her beliefs, make new friends, and set herself straight… but a swig of liquor is easier.

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One Response to The Miserable Leftist Says…

  1. countenance says:

    Future Darwin Award winner?

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