Everybody Deserves the Right to Defend Themselves

When I saw this tweet, I became upset; I’ve been reading a lot of disturbing reports from Western North Carolina regarding the hurricane victims.

I’m not there, I don’t know anybody personally who is there, and my Godly/all-seeing powers have been on the fritz lately. All I have to go on is what I read online.

When somebody is accused of something, he has the right to defend himself. Too many people have been smeared (both on the right and left) and, as a result, have suffered harassment, loss of a job and even death-threats. We shouldn’t be part of that crowd. Instead, we should encourage civil discussion, let all parties have their say – and only then, reach conclusions and act upon them.

I did email Harley Masters:


I’m not flinging accusations; I (and many others) simply want an explanation. You’re being accused of kicking hurricane Helene victims out of shelters donated to them by the Amish – on the grounds that they don’t meet code…

… but Winter is arriving. Is it true that you are not allowing them to live in these shelters? If so, what alternative housing have you provided?

Thank you,


She responded very quickly and here is her reply:


I can understand why you would be angry IF this was actually happening.

For starters thank you for at least asking instead of accusing. Second I want to start off by saying I was Re-elected by the citizens of Mitchell County during the hurricane.  

I’m not sure where this false information has originated from, but we have volunteer groups and licensed contractors here busting their butt to help the citizens of Mitchell County. Our building inspector has NOT kicked any citizens out of a tiny home and has been helping them with campers figure out the best way to insulate since the weather has turn cold.

We have not had any Amish here working here in Mitchell County, but we still have a group with a mennonite connection who have been very helpful getting citizens back into their homes. I personally have been boots on the ground working since Sept 27th when the hurricane hit any of the citizens here will tell you that. I have no problem with people speaking their mind, but the spread of false information is hurting our citizens more than it’s helping, because no one knows what to believe when we are sharing what our needs are.

I appreciate your concern and your willingness to go to bat for our citizens, but if you want FACTUAL information about Mitchell County please check out our website. Click the red banner labeled Helene Response Resource where regular updates are posted. 

Home – Mitchell County, North Carolina

Thank you have a blessed day 

Harley Masters

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