It seems that Israeli forces have “invaded” Syria. From my WhatsApp newsfeed:
Hysterical breaking news: Reports from Syria say that IDF forces are entering Syria and conquered city after city and have advanced up to 20 kilometers from Damascus.
The villages and towns that the IDF captured:
Arena, Bakassim, al-Raima, Hina, Qalat Jandal, Hina, al-Husseiniyyah and Jayata al-Khashab in the southern countryside of Damascus,All these villages are 20 km from Damascus itself
You may have noticed that I put the word “invaded” in quotation marks. This is because, as far as I can tell, Syria is up for grabs. Its ruler has fled, millions of Syrians (mostly men) have migrated to Europe, Turkey and America, and the rebels are in the process of invaded Syria – just as Israel is doing.
There’s a concept in Judaism called “hefqer.” It means “ownerless.” Right now, Syria is ownerless; anybody who wants to enter and take control is justified in doing so. My guess is that many Syrians, especially Christian Syrians, would much rather live under Israeli rule than under jihadists.
I do hope that Israel is focusing on Christian areas and doing what it can to protect the Christians of Syria. perhaps this is a goal.
Is the goal imperialism? To create a “Greater Israel?” Perhaps, but I doubt it; Israel has been attacked many times from Syria in the past, so it has strategic significance.
I am astounded that a tiny country like Israel has the manpower to execute such an operation, considering the resources it has already dedicated to Gaza and Southern Lebanon.
It gives me pleasure to think of the mental anguish Syrian Muslim migrants in Europe must be experiencing right now. On the one hand, they refuse to return to Syria even though Assad is gone. On the other hand, it must cause them deep anguish to know that Jews are now taking over parts of their homeland. While they’re busy conquering Europe, Jews are conquering parts of their homeland. What a concept!