I just got back from a visit back to the US, where I was taking care of one of my child-relatives; he was convalescing from surgery.
The state (or county) paid for a teacher to visit his home several times a week for a two-hour session. I would be nearby, and could hear some of what went on. He’s in high school.
From the start, the teacher (an older woman who mentioned that she’s also Jewish) instructed my relative to draw an “Identity Tree.” Ostensibly, it would illustrate my relative’s past, his present and his future dreams and aspirations.
Here’s an example of what it was supposed to look like:

The clouds at the top indicate hopes for the world as a whole. As you can see, “teacher pay,” “LGBTQ rights” and “racial equality” are displayed. At the sides, we can see that “cisgender” and “white” are included. The term “ally” also appears, and it’s a loaded one. Clearly, the groundwork for intense indoctrination is being laid – and he’s already had several years of similar propaganda aimed at him.
His mom is a leftist, so I had to be careful with any responses I might have; she would not be on my side. I decided to try to give him some general information. For example, how to recognize propaganda, bias and ideology as opposed to actual facts.
He suffers from severe ADHD, and it was extremely difficult to speak to him about such things. He was not receptive at all, and he even told me he only wanted to finish his homework and then get on with his video games. The teacher had the authority to teach him. I did not. He was very defensive when I tried to help him with his homework. He thought it was bizarre that I was even interested.
It took him 4 days to finish the Identity Tree, and it did not include “teacher pay” or “racial equality.”
In “history,” the teacher was very keen on “Out of Africa.” For science, they had him watch videos from Neil Degrasse Tyson, with an emphasis on ignorant people (IE. Climate-Change deniers, vaccine-deniers and evolution-deniers) sometimes get into positions of power.
The videos consistently showed Republicans as the ignorant ones and Democrats as the enlightened, educated, ones. I explained to him that there are extremists on both sides of the isle.
It was obvious that this was indoctrination under a thin veneer of “education.” There was little I could do about it. At the end of my visit, my young relative mentioned that I’m always bringing up “politics” or “government” but that he paid no attention to my ramblings. It’s probably too late for him.
There are millions like him in the US and Europe. What I saw reinforces what I’ve been saying for years:
“Leftists are mass-produced. Conservatives are self-made.”
My God, this is horrible!
Since I have no connection to any children I had no idea it was this bad! This nonsense starts long before college.
Yes. I hope Trump and Elon tackle this issue soon.