I’m happy that Trump put an end to the “trans” nonsense in women’s sports. However, here he is signing the executive order:

What a beautiful and wholesome photo! Not a Diversity in sight!!
Would it have bothered me if there were black and brown faces in the crowd? Not really, but the fact that nobody felt it necessary to FORCE Diversity into this photoshoot says a lot – and it’s all positive.
Yes, there does seem to be one Asian woman lurking in the shadows, but it doesn’t look like she was put there to virtue signal; it looks natural. Also, Asians don’t count much for Diversity.
It just occurred to me that, in all the years that I’ve been blogging (since 2011 I think), not once have I had the opportunity to write something positive about government and Whites. This is a first. Perhaps I might have to create a new category: “Government positivity toward Whites.”