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Author Archives: jewamongyou
US Media Blackout on UK Social Media Arrests
If you frequent X, you’ll see regular stories about people being arrested in the UK for politically incorrect social media posts. Often, these include actual footage of police in people’s homes telling them why they’re being arrested. For example: Objecting … Continue reading
I’ve Joined Bluesky
That’s right, I’m now a member of the wannabe X platform called Bluesky. It seems to be made specifically for leftists or apolitical people who feel that X has become too right-wing. My mission is to ask simple questions, and … Continue reading
Israeli Hypocrisy Regarding Palestine
This is more of a thought experiment than an actual opinion; it needs further contemplation and study. As I’ve pointed out many times before, modern Israeli “Hebrew” is actually very far removed from any sort of traditional Hebrew; essentially, it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel
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Reflections on the Election pt. II
Upon further reflection, and after listening to several interviews, it’s becoming obvious that many Republicans/conservatives are mistaken about something important. I’m seeing a lot of talk to the effect that “Texas is turning more red” or “California is turning red.” … Continue reading
A Powerful Music Video
The artist shared this with me on X. I’m posting the version with subtitles, because the vocals are sometimes difficult to understand. I think it’s great work. What do you think?
Some Thoughts on the Election
Firstly, I’d like to apologize for taking so long to approve comments; I’d been distracted by other things, and I neglected this blog for a while. Congratulations to the American people for electing Trump. This brings me much joy and … Continue reading
What a Great Time to be Alive!
It was purely by chance that I stumbled upon a copy of Atlas Shrugged at a thrift store while visiting family in the US a while back. Since I’d always wanted to read it, and it was only $2.50, I … Continue reading
A Mental Exercise
Today, a young woman joined us at our breakfast group. She is Haitian, and (as far as I could tell), as pure a negress as one could find. She speaks English as her second language, rather than Spanish. She is … Continue reading
LA Times: IQ Tests are no Longer Racist
Good news! Not only have I started posting again (after a bout of business and laziness), but it turns out that IQ tests are no longer racist: From the LA Times: Much has been made of COVID’s consequences for overall health, productivity and … Continue reading
Just Got Back from the US…
I just returned to my adoptive country of Dominican Republic after spending a month in (what used to be) the United States. Generally speaking, I avoided political discussions with relatives; it’s not productive. However, politics did come up a few … Continue reading