Surveillance photos have captured a black man damaging synagogues in the New York area, but a USA Today article starts with the statement:
Hate crimes: How they affect BIPOC and why they are on the rise.
Hate crimes are on the rise against communities of color.
In 2019, they reached their highest level in more than a decade. Here’s why.
Maybe it’s just me, but this is a curious way to begin an article featuring a “BIPOC” targeting Jews, most of whom are probably white. As if this isn’t enough, the article makes no attempt to explain the phenomenon; it simply reports:
A string of attacks that targeted synagogues across New York City over the weekend are being investigated as possible hate crimes, authorities said.
The six attacks from Friday to Sunday at Bronx-area synagogues are being investigated by the New York Police Department’s Hate Crimes Task Force. Surveillance footage released by police appears to show the same man may have been involved in several of the attacks and police are seeking him for questioning.
The article does mention the recent wave of anti-Asian attacks, but makes no effort to explain those either. The embedded video fails to do so as well.
Here’s a photo of the perpetrator:

I’ve sent an email to the author of this article, Miss Christal Hayes. I’ll follow up if she writes back.
Where once the Jewish population of the Bronx was close to half million (including me), the entire WHITE population is about 10% or maybe 150,000. Of that I would say no more than 30,000 Jews tops, almost all of whom are in Riverdale, a leafy enclave featured in Tom Wolfe’s “Bonfire of the Vanities” as the home of the Great White Defendant.
I am amazed that there are still as many synagogues as reported.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe parts of it are getting gentrified.
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