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Monthly Archives: August 2010
A visitor's questions answered
Somebody contacted me with some questions about this blog and, even though I’ve dealt with some of these issues before, I’ve decided to clarify them again and here I’ll quote some of his words. I frankly find it impossible that … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Difficulties with skulls
On page 196 of “Race” by John Baker, we are presented with the following representations of an Eskimo skull versus a Lapp skull: While I have no reason to suspect that the Eskimo is not typical of his race, I … Continue reading
L.A. Times policy re: race of murder victims
Amren recently had a story on murder victims in the L.A. area categorized by race, age, gender and location. With a few clicks, I found an interesting explanation why the L.A. Times includes the race of murder victims: Why does … Continue reading
More on race versus color
I’m reading “Race” by John Baker and I just came across this (pg. 159): Nevertheless, people do commonly make remarks about those non-white races that are in fact very different in morphological characters, to the effect that ‘the only thing … Continue reading
The line of King David
Over the years I’ve known, and known of, several people who claimed to be descended from King David. Not that they could trace their ancestry back to him directly. Rather, they claimed to be descended from one or another famous … Continue reading
Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel