Haitians and Animals

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

There’s a lot of truth in this famous quote from Mahatma Gandhi. I remember how shocked my grandmother was when, while visiting me in Israel, she witnessed Palestinians mercilessly beating their beasts of burden. I had to explain to her that such is their culture; nothing could be done about it. That particular Palestinian culture is not a “great culture.”

What about Jewish culture? There are many. When I saw some Hassidic kids tormenting street cats in Jerusalem, I rebuked them. I knew they wouldn’t care if I simply told them that it’s immoral, so I pointed out that tormenting animals, unnecessarily, is forbidden in the Torah. I think their parents would have agreed. That particular Hassidic culture, in my opinion, is not a great culture – and there are other reasons I say that.

Here in Dominican Republic, I’ve increasingly noticed a difference in how Dominicans treat animals, and how their Haitian counterparts treat them.

A “Banana-Haitian” was visiting our apartment complex. These are the Haitian women who carry baskets on their heads full of bananas and other fruit to sell on the street. Sometimes, they’ll enter our complex for a rest, to get some water, chat with our Haitian workers or even take a dip in the pool.

I happened to be holding one of our, very affectionate, chihuahuas. The animal is tiny, very cute and harmless. When I approached the Banana Haitian, she recoiled in fear as the dog got close to her. I thought, “this is odd!”

More recently, I was at the beach with a friend. With us was a young Haitian employee who my friend was chatting with. They were chatting, and I was sitting across from them taking in as much Spanish as I could. An adorable orange kitten was nearby, and I coaxed him onto my lap. Our beach is home to many cats, and some of them are socialized. This one contentedly purred on my lap, and curiously observed the conversation across from us.

My friend smiled at the cat, and the Haitian woman ignored him, making an effort to avoid even looking in his direction. I asked her if they keep cats as pets in Haiti. The answer was “No.”

She did volunteer that cat meat is very tasty, and that she’d enjoyed it a few times herself. I asked her if Haitians have any use for animals other than eating them. Again, the answer was “No.”

I’m certain that there are higher-class Haitians who do have pets, probably dogs – maybe even a few cats. Higher-class Haitians don’t come here.

An underlying assumption, among leftists, is that it’s primarily the more ambitious, hard-working, people who endeavor to improve their lives by moving from “developing countries” to the West. This may be true sometimes, but on the whole, it seems to me that this isn’t accurate. The word “opportunist” comes to mind. I don’t think we get the best or brightest Haitians here in Dominican Republic.

As Haitians demographically overwhelm the Dominican Republic, I pity the dogs and cats. I also pity the Dominicans; only drastic measures can save their country in the long run.

A Haitian “market” in DR:

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Why do Jews Hate Whites?

Looking back at my past posts, it appears that I’ve never adequately dealt with the question of why Jews so often seem to hate Whites – even to the point of orchestrating/encouraging the destruction of all White civilizations.

Somebody on X asked me this question, and included some clips of Jews hating Whites – such as this one:

… and this one:

… and this one:

Of course, I could add to those examples – and this post would be very long.

One could also compile a long list of NON-JEWISH Whites who hate White people – such as Joe Biden and Bill Gates. What we see above has an element of confirmation bias. Jews stand out when we’re acting AS JEWS. People notice us more than they notice non-Jews doing the same things.

I actually have a relative who does volunteer work for Afghan migrants to the US. I’ve been trying to reach him but with no success. I know him fairly well, and he’s a do-gooder. He certainly believes that he’s helping people, and he hasn’t given much thought (if any) to the fact that he’s also hurting people.

Jews have a tradition of philanthropy, and just as with Whites/Americans, this tradition has been hijacked and subverted toward the destruction of Western civilization. Too many Jews actually believe that “migrants” are underdogs and deserving of our sympathy and aid. I would guess that many Jews, involved with HIAS for example, sincerely believe that they are doing the Lord’s work by helping those in need. Others might have more nefarious motives.

We Jews have a long history, and this sometimes means that we’re stuck in the past. Many Jews have studied Jewish history. They’re aware of the many massacres, restrictions, expulsions and indignities perpetrated upon us by Christians – starting with the Byzantines. Our liturgy includes prayers by, and for, the many Jews who died as martyrs at the hands of Christians. The Inquisition and the Crusades come to mind.

Of course, we’ve also suffered from Islam, but this is not emphasized as much – and I can think of a couple of reasons for this:

  1. In the case of the Jews of Arabia, no trace was left of those Jewish communities. With no survivors, not much was written about it. Other Mizrahi communities may have written about it, but very few Jews still use their liturgies; the vast majority of Jews today are Ashkenazi.
  2. Ashkenazi-supremacy in Israel. Throughout its short history, the state of Israel (and Jewish Palestine) was dominated by Ashkenazim. Ashkenazim had most of the money and influence. The State of Israel was founded largely as a consequence, and response, to the Nazi Holocaust – which affected mainly Ashkenazim. When Israelis say “Never Again!” they’re referring primarily to the persecution of Ashkenazim. The persecution of Mizrahim is an afterthought, brought up when it’s politically expedient. Even though individual Mizrahim (older ones) harbor hatred toward Arabs and Muslims for the suffering of their forefathers, this suffering is not at the forefront of the Israeli psyche. Hence, when the average Israeli thinks “persecution,” Christian/Nazi persecution comes to mind.

Along these lines, we should bear in mind that corporate media focuses almost exclusively on the persecution of Jews perpetrated by White people. As we all know, the corporate media is fanatically antiwhite – and Jews, even Israeli Jews, are often indoctrinated by it. The fact that much of the corporate media is run by Jews doesn’t mean that Jews are somehow immune to the poison it spreads.

There is another reason religious Jews are sometimes more sympathetic toward Islam than toward Christianity (and, by extension, toward brown people over White people): In traditional Judaism, Islam is considered to be the most kosher religion for non-Jews in the world. Christianity is pagan and polytheistic. Never mind that Islamic dietary laws are similar to Jewish dietary laws. The important thing is that Muslims don’t worship a trinity; they have only one God. Christians, at least as it existed through most of Christian history, has three. Some forms of Christianity even have idols. This is an abomination in Judaism.

As stated, Jews are often stuck in the past. In today’s world, Islam is our enemy and Christianity is our friend. Perhaps it’s too much to ask of my fellow Jews to focus on the present and relegate the past to where it belongs.

Many times, when we see that “hundreds of rabbis sign petition for migrant rights,” or something of that nature, we find that most of those “rabbis” are reform. Reform “Judaism” is actually Progressivism with a thin veneer of Jewish tradition over it. The same can be said for most churches today. Hence, it should come as no surprise when such “rabbis” support the Great Replacement.

Lastly, I’ll point out that idiots exist in every demographic. I wish I had the opportunity to confront the (Orthodox) rabbi in Iceland. Maybe someday I’ll have the opportunity – but I already know what he would say, because I was involved with his sect (Habad) for a few years in my youth. He would tell me that it’s a “mitzva” (Torah commandment) to welcome migrants. It’s very difficult to reason with such people.

I hope, Radical Racoon, that this helps. Feel free to comment.

Posted in immigration/ Hispanics, Jewish stuff and Israel | Tagged , | 8 Comments

John Stossel’s Interview with Charles Murray

I’d been meaning to listen to this interview for a while, and I finally got around to it last night. It’s an hour well-spent:

I’m sure both men realize there’s more to racial differences than average IQ – and that other factors contribute to the more violent temperament of blacks. They do talk about fatherless homes, because that’s a “safe topic” to discuss. They don’t go into hormonal differences, or the fact that blacks are more excitable/violent all over the world, regardless of culture.

Perhaps it’s better that they focused on IQ and safe topics. The video has been on YouTube for two months, and already has nearly a million views.

I noticed that many of the comments are from sympathetic blacks.

A funny thing happened as I was listening to the interview. I decided to make myself some popcorn, which I enjoy maybe once a week or so. At the exact moment that I started to pour the popcorn into the bowl, Charles Murray said:

Joy is not a good bowl of popcorn

It was surreal. What are the odds?

I do recommend watching the video – with popcorn.

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We’re Starting a Jewish Pro-White Group

Dear readers,

I know that some of y’all are Jewish. A few of us, on X, have decided to start a pro-White Jewish group. Tentatively, it looks like this might take the form of a website where various Jews can post content pertaining to White-positivity and White interests.

We haven’t picked a name yet. Suggestions are welcome. Many questions remain as to the nature of this group/site.

My vision is, aside from the above, that it become a kernel for a movement. The problem with websites and blogs is that there is very little participation. Most people, even if they’re sympathetic, have little interest in actually participating. One reason I don’t want to use this blog is that I don’t want it to be dominated by just one or two people. This is my personal blog.

Please share your comments and concerns. Thanks!

Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel, politics and attitudes of the pro-white movements | Tagged | 4 Comments

The Great Replacement Versus Systemic Racism

I had an argument with a leftist on Quora recently. He claimed that The Great Replacement is a “far-right myth.” I countered with some sources and an article from Amren, explaining what we mean by The Great Replacement; I had told him that he probably has no idea what we mean by the term, and that he therefore cannot claim that it’s a myth. This is how he defined it:

Peter von Elbing 

It means that the so called “elites” have allegedly a “plan” to replace white people in European countries and America by brown-skinned foreigners from Africa, Arab countries, Asia and South/Middle America. That is extreme right-wing racist bullshit spread for at least the last ten years, coming initially from Russian propaganda channels.

The extreme right-wing in Israel is also bought in by this BS.

This was my response:

No. That’s a cartoonish/Protocols of the Elder of Zion type understanding of the Great Replacement. Fact: For the most part, the ruling elites hate White people as a group. They make no secret of it, and they’ve been very outspoken about it. Fact: Elites CELEBRATE the demographic changes that are making Whites a minority all over the world. Fact: White ARE decreasing in number and political clout all over the West – after decades of being encouraged to have fewer kids.

Now they’re being forced to subsidize the large families of non-White immigrants. A person needs to be a special kind of naive to believe that the elites, who openly hate Whites, have nothing to do with immigration policies that make Whites a minority. We don’t claim that there is a single “plan” at work here, and that a bunch of “Elders of Zion” (so to speak) sit around a table discussing how to exterminate Whites. There are many localized plans that seem to work toward that end ultimately. Here. This may help.

We can turn the tables on Great Replacement deniers:

Leftist: The Great Replacement theory says that there’s an elite cabal that has a plan to replace White people with non-Whites.

Let’s apply this thinking to “Systemic Racism” (toward non-Whites).

“Systemic Racism” is a far-left conspiracy theory that there’s an elite cabal that coordinates a plan to discriminate against non-Whites, especially blacks.

Not many leftists would accept this definition; they’d characterize it as “cartoonish” and unrealistic. Instead, they’d explain to us that Systemic Racism (AKA “Structural Racism”) is much more complicated than that. It’s a societal result of a) historic injustices, b) legacy prejudices and c) subconscious behaviors and attitudes that reinforce anti-POC discrimination. The end result is “Systemic Racism!”

It’s similar with The Great Replacement – with one major difference: All of the “evidence” cited in favor of anti-POC “Systemic Racism” can be attributed to Innate racial differences, cultural differences and backlash against preferential treatment. There IS NO Systemic Racism against non-Whites in the Western world today. but there absolutely IS a Great Replacement occurring. Evidence of The Great Replacement is before our very eyes, and quantifiable with many statistics.

There are no powerful or influential people in the Western world who espouse hatred toward non-Whites. There are no laws or policies targeting non-Whites – but there are plenty of powerful people publicly rejoicing at the demographic decline of White people, and there are plenty of laws and policies targeting Whites.

There may not be a council of elites, similar to the “Elders of Zion” conspiring to replace White people wherever they are. There certainly are entrenched attitudes and policies that inexorably lead to White replacement. This ideological infrastructure is reinforced by various forms of official propaganda, legacy media (also propaganda), the education system, churches, many large corporations and a variety of NGOs.

One might argue that the ideology that led to The Great Replacement had its origin in the Frankfurt School, a group of (mainly) Jewish Marxists that fled Germany with the rise of Hitler. It’s also possible that groups such as the WMF, and even influential people in the EU, are working toward The Great Replacement. However, we should acknowledge The Great Replacement even if there is no cohesive group of elites behind it. At this point, it doesn’t need any actual leadership, since it runs on momentum. Anybody who steps out of line is instantly branded a “racist” and his influence is diminished. He might even be arrested or fined, especially in Canada and Europe.

“Systemic Racism” against non-Whites is a myth. The Great Replacement is a fact.

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The “Minimizers”

I found this comment on X, and figured I’d share it; I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Jan Brauner@JaniceBrauner

Soon after woke terminology emerged on the scene, anti-woke *sophisticates* began labeling the right as woke or snowflakes for merely noting anti-white/anti-male rhetoric as if merely giving a voice to observations put them in the same camp as the DEI/woke/snowflake crowd. This dynamic struck me as their attempt to differentiate themselves from their less sophisticated/educated anti-woke brethren ESPECIALLY those on the right. They noticeably reserved their most intense animus/disgust for this group as if to say that their was only ONE way to combat woke ideology. THEIR way & often insisted on a delicate more academic approach. This anti-woke *sophisticate* group peppered their pronouncements with declarations of their liberal bonafides in contrast to others who were saying the SAME THINGS. Meet the minimizer cohort.

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All Lives are NOT Equal

Watch these two imbeciles going at each other:

Piers Morgan is an imbecile and an establishment lackey. Here we see him becoming upset that a black man is calling him a “racist.” Well guess what Piers. The establishment narrative that you support includes the premise that all Whites are racists – and you’re White!

At around the 35-second mark, you’ll hear him claim that a Palestinian life has the same value as an Israeli life. Speaking in general terms, this is preposterous.

The claim that “all lives have equal value” is an empty platitude; nobody actually believes it.

Here’s a thought experiment: Ask a leftist if he would kill a White slave owner or the slave if he had to kill one of them. Obviously, he’ll choose to kill the slave owner, and no amount of mental gymnastics could hide the fact that the leftist considers the life of the slave to be more valuable than the life of the slave owner. In fact, some leftists would even go so far as to have ALL “racists” killed if they could; they don’t value the lives of “racists” very much at all.

There are plenty of examples we could throw at conservatives as well – and at people from all political spectra. Nobody truly believes that all lives have equal value.

Generally speaking, Israeli lives have greater value than Gazan lives. Gazans are programed, from an early age, into genocidal hate and bigotry. Israelis generally are not – though some do feel this way. Gazans treat animals very poorly, and they treat women very poorly – and they treat sexual minorities very poorly. Israelis are the opposite, with some exceptions of course.

Whose life is worth more, that of a narrow-minded, hateful, bigot, or that of an educated and tolerant individual? This would be a good place to include an interview I just listened to, and I encourage y’all to spend the 2 hours listening to it as well. It’s very enlightening:

Listen to the above interview, and you’ll grasp the immense chasm that separates Israeli society from Palestinian (specifically Gazan) society.

Again, I emphasize that I’m speaking in generalities here. Obviously, individuals will vary. For example, Mosab Hassan Yousef’s life obviously has tremendous value.

Let’s stop pretending, and acknowledge the fact that killing Gazans, even civilians, is justified if it needs to be done in order to prevent future massacres of Israelis. The death of Gazan children is a sad affair, but it’s not as sad as the death of Israelis.

Note to my fellow White-Nationalists/advocates:

How can you side with the Gazans, against the Israelis, when Israel embodies most of the positive aspects of Western (read WHITE) civilization, while Gaza represents the exact opposite? Don’t let your hatred toward Jews blind you to the difference between a society of educated, advanced, people versus a society of savages.

Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel, Muslims, politics and attitudes of the pro-white movements, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | Tagged , | Leave a comment

This is Why They Hate “The Jews” #7

Greg Johnson, author of The White Nationalist Manifesto and other important works, recently tweeted this response:

By “extended family,” I assume Dr. Johnson means all the other Jews in Britain.

I don’t agree with Dr. Johnson that all the Jews in Britain should be expelled – just the leftist ones, the ones who worked so hard for the destruction of Britain.

Apparently, Lee kern is one of those Jews. He tweeted:

In the first tweet, quoted above, Lee kern writes:

I’ll be fine in Israel It’s the most dynamic, creative and positive place I’ve ever been – even though surrounded by Islamic fundamentalist psychopaths who daily try to destroy it…

From this, we can conclude that Lee kern doesn’t like Islamic fundamentalist psychopaths…

Like this one, for example:

How on Earth did such an Islamic fundamentalist get elected in Leeds? It’s because people like Lee kern believed that it’s better to allow “migrants” (AKA invaders) to settle in Britain rather than let them drown.

I disagree. They should not only be ALLOWED to drown, but the royal navy should do its job and actively sink those boats. After a few get sunk, it would no longer be a problem.

For a “progressive,” Lee kern is quite binary; he believes there are only two options for boat migrants:

  1. Let them drown
  2. Allow them into Britain, and then feed them, house them, provide free medical care, and give them preferential treatment over natives.

Actually, there’s a third option: Turn the boats around, and force them to return to France. Let the French deal with them. Yet another option would be to allow them in, and then arrest them all – to be flown back to somewhere in Africa. I don’t like this last option, because it’s too expensive.

Here’s my response to Kern’s 2021 tweet:

He’ll probably never see it, and even if he did, he’d retort with a canned leftist response:

Britain’s problems have NOTHING TO DO with immigration. We NEED immigrants. It’s RACISTS like YOU who create a toxic environment for them. White Britons commit crime too – so it makes no sense for you to bring up migrant crime…

We’ve all heard it a million times. Such claims were nonsense the first time, and they’re nonsense today.

Anyway, congratulations Lee Kern, for being number 7 in this series. Our sages said, kol shevi’een Habibeen – All sevenths are beloved… beloved to somebody, I’m sure. Not to me.

Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel, shenanigans of the Left and of non-white activists | Tagged , | 1 Comment

New-Age Meets Ghetto

I’ve already posted about my experiences with forced-busing in the ghetto, but there’s one story I haven’t shared yet – until now!

Prepare yourselves for major cringe…

I was in a class of about 35 “students,” almost all of when were inner-city blacks. That’s a polite way of saying, “they were crude, primitive and prone to violence.”

We had a substitute teacher one day. She was a young White woman, apparently fresh out of college, and very idealistic. At some point during class, she did the unthinkable.

She placed an object on her desk, and announced to the class that everybody was to concentrate on the object – and that we were going to make it levitate with the power of our minds.

What she failed to account for was the fact that (aside from yours truly) there weren’t enough IQs in that class to budge a feather, even if the wind was blowing. Needless to say, the object stayed put. The experiment had failed. I was so embarrassed for her. There was some snickering and whispering.

We never saw her again. I hope she’s moved on from her foolishness.

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My Quora Experiment

I just launched a new Quora space:

There were already several “White-positive” spaces on Quora – but every single one of them contained negative material toward other races and groups. In the case of “It’s Okay to be White,” it was started with the goal, and guideline, that negativity toward other races would not be tolerated. Unfortunately, that original vision seems to have been lost. I wrote about this in my previous post. This one, which will be under my own personal administration and moderation, will hold true to this vision.

Important topics and conversations are still posted at IOTBW, and I won’t discourage anybody from reading it or contributing. As it stands, I’m still a moderator there.

If you’re so inclined, visit my new space and follow it. We’ll see how it goes.

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