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Monthly Archives: December 2011
Is miscegenation taking a new turn?
I was leafing through a recent edition of The Columbian, a local southern Washington newspaper, when an interesting advertisement caught my eye. It actually featured a white man with a very dark black woman. I thought to myself, “This is … Continue reading
Hijacking the term "American"
Salem News is having a temper tantrum because the latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act is about to be passed into law, barring a veto from Obama. While I agree that such laws are dangerous to whatever liberties … Continue reading
African dictators, corruption and their bling
Deposed Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo, and wife Simone, sitting in a hotel room in Abidjan after their arrest. According to the Daily Mail (gore warning on source page): Former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo has today been charged with murder, rape, persecution … Continue reading
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The Tribe Of Ice People
Thanks to eugenicist for bringing my attention to a new race-realist blog by a fellow Jew(ess), The Tribe Of Ice People. It looks pretty good and it just got started.
Arrows in the hand of a warrior
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth (Psalms 127:4). If children are like arrows, we would do well to make sure we’re on the right side of the bow. As it stands, Western … Continue reading